The Universal Antidote Course
The Universal Antidote Course A Chlorine Dioxide How To Course Length: 2 hours 2 minutes. Note From The Producer In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to make and use the universal antidote, chlorine dioxide. You might be asking why this course is free, and to that, I reply this information […]

Plastindia’s ‘largest T-shirt’ enters Guinness World Records
Plastindia’s ‘largest T-shirt’ enters Guinness World Records 2.5 lakh Sagarmitra from schools of Maharashtra sent 138 tons of plastic from their own homes, for recycling.
Cyclic System of Health & Wealth Vs. Poverty & Destitution
Garbage in the Oceans is an indicator of Human behavior which has created a cyclic system of Poverty & Destitution in Emotional/ Spiritual (part of invisible personality) and Physical terms. Humans of all continents, stand guilty of this criminal cycle. It all begins from Biases. Its impact is severe when this bias is found in
Sagarmitra IEC proposal
Sagarmitra Project by TAA (The Academic Advisors) Sagarmitra Abhiyan is a ‘Used plastic recollection and recycling program’, founded by TAA, in 2011. In this project school children from grade 5th and above Understand with their HEAD that our use and throw habit threaten life in the Oceans 2. Are motivated from their HEART to act

Sagarmitra Concept for Schools – A call to 1.5 Billion Children of our precious planet Earth
Sagarmitra Concept for Schools “A call to 1.5 Billion Children of our precious planet Earth” FOR CHILDREN WHO PROTECT OUR OCEANS Sagarmitra is a specially designed project which can be integrated with environment subject and projects, of all schools. It’s an action oriented program for schools, which connects HEAD with knowledge (why, when, who, how, where, whom etc,) about
Plastic Pollution : Problem & Solution by Vinod Bothankar
Article by Vinod Bothankar |

SAGARMITRA – A way to Change Behaviour of “Use & throw” and take responsibility for Our Earth
“Nala Darshan” revealed the status of human mindset which has severely interfered in the normal course of water cycle. A natural canal system created by God to provide water to down streams, where humans irrigated their fields and settled forming villages along, Mountains with greens attracts clouds and reflect red heat back into the space
Reset Economy UN Agenda
We are at the right time, because we are made to sit at home, schooling from home, office from home, and thus, it is the right time to hit the iron when it is hot. You can mold a new system. There are certain things which cannot be changed… Such as our food system. The
The Triangle of Conveniences Technology & Culture
Today I am going to talk about a triangle of Conveniences, Technologies and Culture. Convenience is an addiction which our brain likes. It is an amazing addiction, because, conveniences leads to discovery of technologies. It makes life easier , and we can do maximum work in minimum time and energy. Our brain then desires for